Development and design studio

We don't create websites. We solve business problems of our clients. Echodev team is not just a custom development, it is 10 years of experience in creating and promoting websites, as well as solving business problems. We value the client as a partner and show maximum interest: from the brief to the full launch of the project and tracking performance. The balance of design, usability and SEO makes our clients' websites commercially successful!

Our team of ten experienced developers, designers, and marketers works together to create effective and user-friendly websites that meet the needs of our clients.

How we are working?

Analyzing customer requirements

One of the first steps in creating a website is to aggregate the customer's requirements. At this stage, we emphasize on:
   1.   Analyzing the customer's business requirements
   2.  Competitor analysis.
   3.  Analyzing the target audience.
   4.  Analyzing the requirements of the team.
   5.  Analyzing technical requirements.

These five steps allow us to immerse ourselves in the project and work through it effectively.

Website design development

Based on the results of analyzing the requirements and set goals, we build a structural design concept of the future site. An important component of website design is not only a beautiful and stylish visual solution, but also user experience. The structure of design creation consists of the following steps:
   1.   Fixing the purpose of the future site - what main function the site will have.
   2.  Selection of references based on the brand positioning of the company for which the site is created.
   3.  Creating a logical structure of the site. (for multi-page sites) Allows you to link all pages, sections and subsections and build the correct structure.
   4.  Preparation of page layouts or prototyping - determining the location of all elements of the site, taking into account all the requirements of the customer, as well as usability or usability of the site for the end user.

Site layout

After approval of the future website design, our developers take the site for layout - converting the design into html code. We convert the site only according to the latest CSS and HTML specifications. This important aspect is necessary to ensure that your site displays correctly in all browser versions. If there is no separate mobile version for the site, we make it adaptive. If there is a separate prototype of the mobile version, it is designed separately.

Testing the site

After the layout stage is over, we start testing according to the following algorithm:
   1.   Functional testing - checking all functional elements of the site: from search to correct operation of feedback forms.
   2.  Usability-testing - evaluating the usability of the site for the end user. At this stage, we determine how easy it is for the user to get this or that information, purchase goods or leave a request.
   3.  Performance Testing - evaluation of site performance under system load.
   4.  UI Testing - user interface testing. This stage includes testing for compliance with all standards of graphical interfaces, testing for compliance with different screen resolutions, smartphones and tablets, compatibility with all browsers, etc.
   5.  Vulnerability testing of the website. The main purpose of this testing is to secure the site from possible malicious attacks: from SSL security check to captcha correctness.

Placing the site on hosting

After determining the domain (name) of the site, it must be placed on hosting - a special storage that helps the site to work on the Internet. Most often this is done through the hosting control panel, where the archive with the site files is uploaded. After the archive is placed, the site will be available within 24 hours.

Site support

Technical support of the site allows you to ensure smooth operation. In our projects, we necessarily lay down a week of site support to make sure that the site performs all the requested functionality.

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